Wednesday, March 06, 2019
7:00 to 8:45 pm
Bill Gaston
Empathy: The Lives of a Writer
Bill Gaston will talk about his work. He is the author of many books, most recently Just Let Me Look At You (non-fiction) nominated for the RBC Taylor Prize; A Mariner’s Guide to Self Sabotage which won the Victoria Butler Book Prize; Juliet Was A Surprise, nominated for the Governor General’s Award; and, The World, nominated for the Victoria Butler Book Prize.
Bill Gaston was born in Flin Flon, where he worked at the usual struggling-writer jobs. He has also lived in Winnipeg, North Van, Toronto, Fredericton, Halifax, Toulon, and for the past 20 years, Victoria. He teaches at UVic and lives with writer Dede Crane.
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All members are encouraged to bring their writing news and ideas to share with the group, Tables are also available for members to display their published works or related services.