Next Meeting

Wed Feb 12, 7pm

Rescheduled from Feb 5 due to the weather

Topic: The Small Press Experience: Insights from a Local Publisher and one of his Authors (a VWS member)

Join us at our Feb 12 meeting to learn more about Stonehewer Books and the state of small-press publishing, and to ask questions of publisher and author. Everyone welcome!

At Russell Books, 747 Fort St., Victoria

George Galt, publisher of Stonehewer Books and author
of Line Breaks: A Writing Life (Linda Leith Editions,
2024), and Jann Everard, author of the short fiction
collection Blue Runaways (Stonehewer Books, 2024), will
discuss everything from starting a new press in today’s
competitive environment to what makes a
successful publisher-author relationship.

The VWS Steering Committee is looking forward to seeing you at our meetings! Look for people wearing nametags and come and say hi!

All VWS meetings are open to the general public so bring your friends and family!

What’s New?

The VWS Directory!

Are you a published author but need a platform to promote your work? Or perhaps you have a writing related business?

The Member Publications/Writing Services is for you!

Check it out here. For more information and to apply, click here.

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