Membership for the Victoria Writers’ Society is open to writers living on Vancouver Island and its surrounding islands. Membership may be obtained by filling in the below form and by paying by e-transfer (preferred) or cheque. The $40 membership fee is for the period of January to December payable each year. For membership applications received from September to December, the fee is $25.

Membership Form
New Member or Renewal? *
How are you paying? *
Amount paying? *
Interested in a Critique Group? *

Privacy Policy:

By submitting this form, you consent to provide personal information to the Victoria Writers’ Society for the purpose of receiving organizational communication. This information will not be shared with anyone except members of the elected VWS executive, and volunteers working on behalf of VWS on specific projects such as Island Writer Magazine or Victoria Writers’ Society Writing Contest.


Annual VWS Membership (Jan-Dec) is $40 and can be paid via e-transfer (preferred) to or by cheque. If you join in September it is $25 for the period September to December.

Make cheque payable to Victoria Writers’ Society and mail to:

Victoria Writers’ Society
P.O. Box 8311, Victoria BC V8W 3R9

Benefits of Membership:

  • Enjoy your personal copy of Island Writer Magazine, twice a year (summer/winter).
  • Push your writing to the next level by joining or forming a VWS critique group.
  • Stay up-to-date on VWS news, writing workshops, contests and other publishing events and opportunities with your copy of the VWS monthly newsletter.
  • Share your writing by submitting to Island Writer Magazine and during open mic sessions.
  • Voting rights at the society AGM.
  • Participate in the annual VWS writing contest for a discounted “members only” fee.
  • Promote your writing, editing or related services in VWS’ new directory, launching in 2025.
  • Share or enhance your leadership, organizational or financial skills as a member of the Steering Committee.
  • Join the Island Writer Magazine editorial team to share – or learn new – editing and related publishing skills.
  • Receive advance notice of 10 engaging presentations a year related to “all things writing”.
  • Bring your own ideas to VWS (e.g. organize a book fair, suggest a speaker – or offer one yourself.)

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