September 2020 Meeting

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

7:00 – 9:00 pm via Zoom

This will be a Zoom webinar so you will be an attendee. You will not be visible but you will be able to see and hear the readers, and you can ask questions via chat. 

Link (Passcode: 198895)

Launch of Island Writer Magazine 18.1

Congratulations to the VWS 2020 Writing Contest Winners:

Poetry (Judge Susan Braley)

First: Ulrike Narwani – Wild Strawberries

Second: Ahmad Anthony Miles – Tree Poem

Honourable Mention: Mary Nelson –  Springtime Elixir

Honourable Mention: Neil Garvie – Rumours from Wuhan

Creative Non-Fiction (Judge Robin Stevenson)

First: Jude Morton – Borders

Second: Maureen Magee – Beggars and Brides

Honourable Mention: Gloria Lorenzen – Scorched: Lucid Thoughts in Mexico

Honourable Mention: Bill Engleson – Lying in Wait

Fiction (Judge Julie Paul)

First: Sharon McInnes – Various Functions of Fire

Second: Loucas Raptis – Life of the Osprey

Honourable Mention: Garth Von Buchholz – Will the Circle Be Unbroken

Honourable Mention: J P McLean – Boone Park

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