Wednesday, June 05, 2019
7:00 to 8:45 pm
Launch of Island Writer Magazine 17/1
Come celebrate the launch of the latest Island Writer with readings at GVPL Central Branch. Contributing authors will read from their works of fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry.

Family, friends, and the general public are welcome. The readings begin at 7 o’clock promptly.
Our twice-yearly collection is now digital for members, but printed copies will be at the meeting for those who ordered in advance. A limited number of extra copies will also be available for purchase.
For those who would like to purchase a copy but are unable to attend the meeting, copies will be available at local bookstores listed on our Island Writer Magazine page.
All members are encouraged to bring their writing news and ideas to share with the group. Tables are available for members to display their published works or related services.